Happy Holidays and Hamfests!

Its that time of year!  Cooler weather, good food and Hamfests!  Talking about Hamfests… The Stone Mountain Hamfest was the first weekend of November and it was real blast! The Tampa Hamfest is coming up just around the corner in December.  Probably the best Hamfest in the south is the Orlando Hamfest coming up in February.  So get with your Ham Radio buddies and plan a Hamfest road trip!!!  The more who ride together the cheaper and more FUN the Hamfest road trip is!

Talking about the Holidays… Thanksgiving is just around the corner and Christmas is right on its heels.  The VARC membership wishes Happy Holidays!

Don’t forget to ask Santa for that Ham gear you have been eyeing all year.  Also make sure to make the New Year resolution to be more RADIO ACTIVE!

73 from the crew at W4VLD…

W4VLD Mailing List Server – Sign Up Today!

As of this year the VARC has stopped its regular mass emailing of area amateurs in regards to its activities and updates.

This was done in a effort to limit the amount of email coming into personal email boxes and to better support those who are actually interested in keeping up with the VARC  and area amateur radio happens.

If you would like to be added to the email list server simply go to the “help me” on the w4vld webpage and request to be added to the list.

Make sure to provide your name, call sign, and good email address.

Once you join you can either read the mail, add content, comment on happens, etc.

73,  VARC Webmaster


2013 National Boy Scout Jamboree – K2BSA

Be sure to listen out for K2BSA this week as they are operating from West Virginia for the 2013 National Boy Scout Jamboree. We will keep our D-Star repeater, W4VLD B,  connected to D-Star reflector 33A during the duration of the Jamboree.

[ribbon toplink=”true”]K2BSA On Air Frequencies[/ribbon]

SSB in MHz: 28.390, 24.960, 21.360, 18.140, 14.290, 7.190, 3.940

PSK-31 in MHz: 28.120, 24.920, 21.080, 18.100, 14.070, 10.142, 7.080, 3.580

EchoLink: K2BSA-R Demonstration Station (node 4566), WV8BSA-R VHF Repeater (node 6544), W6BSA-R UHF Repeater (node 9877), Conference *JOTA-365* (node 480809)

D-Star: WV8BSA and Reflector 033A

CW: There will be limited operation on CW as time permits

From www.k2bsa.net/jamboree-live

March 11th – Ham VETS

Recently the VARC was contacted from members of the local American Legion post.  The wanted to know if any of the local vets who are also hams would be interested in joining the legion to promote both the legion and the VARC.  If you are a VET and this sounds interesting to you please contact either the local post or the VARC.

Information about the American Legion Amateur Radio Club has been posted below.

The American Legion has formed a special entity to provide a forum for military veterans who today are engaged in a hobby that can also provide emergency communications “when all else fails.” During the May 2011 Spring Meetings, the National Executive Committee authorized the establishment of The American Legion Amateur Radio Club (TALARC).

There are estimated to be 700,000 federally licensed amateur radio operators, or “hams,” in the United States. Over the years, countless members of the U.S. military were trained as technicians or engineers, and later obtained amateur-radio licenses to continue to use their abilities at home, as both recreation and a public-service commitment.

“The beauty of amateur radio is that it attracts folks of all career interests, from doctors, Ph.D.s, engineers, rocket scientists to mechanics, housewives, construction and office workers, students and everything in between,” says Robert L. Morrill, chairman of the Legion’s Public Relations Commission. “Hams provide backup communications to emergency-management agency offices across the country when ‘all else fails,’ and have done so with distinction in virtually every major disaster when cell towers and commercial communications have been knocked out after earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, and man-made disasters.”

The club has established an amateur radio station at National Headquarters with the call sign K9TAL (K9 The American Legion) in order to conduct special-event operations on The American Legion Birthday, Veterans Day, etc.; operate SKYWARN during local severe weather; and provide members an opportunity to operate the station during visits to National Headquarters. A special QSL card is provided to all amateur radio stations that work K9TAL on the air.

In January 2005, the Legion signed an agreement with the Department of Homeland Security to support emergency disaster preparedness. Subsequently, the Disaster Preparedness Booklet was made available to posts. Amateur-radio support was an integral entity.

“The potential to serve here is limitless,” Morrill says. “Legionnaires who are hams can help others get licensed, coordinate with local emergency authorities, provide counseling and assistance to schools, and a whole array of other support.

“While some people may think that ham radio is an old technology, the simple truth is that hams were working with digital transmissions long before folks had home computers, and they provided the impetus to make ‘wireless’ happen. They were transmitting emergency calls from their cars long before anyone had a mobile phone to do the same. Today, hams are conducting broad-spectrum experiments on ham bands that may eventually become routine ways to communicate for all of us.”

Membership is free to members of The American Legion family.

For information, or to join: [email protected]

September 25th – Science Cafe’

On Tuesday September 25th members of the VARC attended a free presentation provided by the Science Cafe’ at the Thomas University Hawk’s Nest in Thomasville.  This month’s speaker was Sir Harold Kroto the director of the chemistry department at FSU.  Sir Kroto’s presentation was on the accomplishments of leading scientists through history and the importance of language of math for one to really appreciate the beautiful mysteries of the universe.   The presentation was very informative and entertaining.  For more information on Professor Kroto and his work go to google.com and conduct a search.

Looking for a low cost brand new dual band HT?

In today’s economy everyone is looking to pinch a penny.  Hams are notorious for being penny pinchers when it comes to equipment.  As everyone knows there are deals to be found on ebay for used equipment but here is a deal on brand new ham radio equipment.

So if your a ham and your in the market for a new HT for use on the club VHF and UHF repeaters then consider the Baofeng UV-5 dual band VHF/UHF  handheld radio.  Where are these radios manufactured for such a low price? Well in China of course!

This brand new unit comes fully loaded with features that were considered luxurious only until recently.  The best part is that this radio can be purchased for less than $50 including shipping off ebay right now!

If you are a new ham or you have a friend or family member who is getting their license you might consider one of these as present for their efforts.  This radio would be a great low cost way for anyone to get started!

Happy Holidays from the VARC to You!

The VARC wishes you and yours a happy and safe holiday season!  This a great time to remember our families and to also focus special attention upon our creator for all good things that he has blessed has us in our lives.  Ham radio is one of those blessings of which we all should be grateful.  So please take the time to appreciate and enjoy it.  Listen for us on the air next year!