We, the undersigned, wishing to secure ourselves the pleasures and benefits of an association of persons commonly interested in Amateur Radio, constitute ourselves the Valdosta Amateur Radio Club and enact this constitution as our governing law. It shall be our purpose to further the exchange of information and cooperation between its members, to promote radio knowledge, goodwill, fraternalism and individual operating proficiency, and to so conduct club programs and activities as to advance the general interest and welfare of Amateur Radio Communications.
Club emphasis will be to further members’ skills needed for emergency communications in cooperation and coordination with public service organizations. These shall include, but not be limited to the following: Police, Fire, Rescue, Emergency Medical Services, Red Cross, Emergency Management Agencies (Civil Defense), and/or any others.
This Club shall acknowledge and abide by all rules and regulations put forth by Amateur Radio’s governing body – the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
All persons interested in Amateur Radio shall be eligible for membership. Membership shall be by written or verbal application and election upon such terms as provided by Article I of the By-Laws. No applicant shall be denied membership solely by reason of race, sex, creed, or age.
SECTION 1. The Officers of this Club shall be a President, one or more Vice-Presidents, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. The Officers shall constitute the Executive Committee. Any combining of these offices may be made with the approval of the membership.
SECTION 2. The Officers of this Club shall be elected for a term of one year by vote of the members as the Club By-Laws provide in Article III. New Officers shall assume responsibility January 1st following the completion of regular elections.
SECTION 3. Vacancies occurring between elections must be filled by special vote at the first regular meeting following the notice of withdrawal or resignation. Nominations from the floor will be made by the Members present. Officers elected during special elections shall assume responsibility immediately following the completion of said special elections.
SECTION 4. Officers may be removed as the Club By-Laws provide in Article I Section 5.
SECTION 1. The President shall preside at all meetings of this Club and conduct the same according to the rules adopted. He shall enforce due observance of this Constitution and By-Laws; decide all questions of order, sign all official documents that are adopted by the Club, and perform all customary duties pertaining to the office of the President.
SECTION 2. The Senior Vice-President shall assume all duties of the President in the absence of the President. The Senior Vice-President shall be responsible for emergency communications coordination. Other Vice-President(s)’ duties shall include, but not be limited to the following: organizing Club and social activities, planning and recommending contests for operating benefits, and advancing Club interest and activity as approved by the Club.
SECTION 3. The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of all meetings, keep a roll of members, submit applications for membership at the business meetings, carry on all correspondence, read communications at each meeting and mail written notices of special meetings to each member. The Secretary shall announce at Club meetings: upcoming hamfests, license testing and results, Amateur Radio classes, and other related events. The Secretary shall keep a scrapbook of memorabilia of the Club and/or members and/or items pertaining to Amateur Radio; items in the scrapbook shall be owned by the club. The Secretary shall be responsible for recording, maintaining, and looking after the storage of all documents related to Club history. The Secretary may prepare a written summary of Club activities of that year to be delivered at the December meeting. He shall, at the expiration of his term, turn over all records to his successor.
SECTION 4. The Treasurer shall receive and give a receipt for all monies paid to the Club. He shall keep an accurate account of all monies received and expended. He shall deposit all monies received in a bank to the credit of the Club. The Treasurer, at each meeting, shall give a verbal accounting of the Club’s financial status. The President, at his discretion, may request a written itemized statement of the Club’s financial records. The Treasurer shall notify members of dues as set forth in Article IV of the By-Laws. The Treasurer shall also keep a current written record of all Club assets. The monetary value of said assets shall be determined by the Club’s Executive Committee. He shall use the inventory list as a guide to obtain insurance coverage on desired assets as determined by the Executive Committee. In January and July of each year the inventory list shall be reviewed and updated by the Executive Committee. He shall, at the expiration of his term, turn over all records to his successor and transfer custody of the bank account to the newly elected Treasurer.
Article II of the By-Laws shall provide for the regular and special meetings. At all meetings, the Members present shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business and elections of Officers, where simple majority shall carry.
SECTION 1. Article IV of the By-Laws provide for the payment and amount of regular dues as deemed necessary for the business of the Club within the objectives set forth in the Preamble.
SECTION 2. If a Club Member is more than three (3) months in arrears in his payment of dues at the time of voting, that member and all other sponsored family Members forfeits their voting privileges.
SECTION 3. Non-payment of such dues after four (4) months may be cause for expulsion from the club as set forth in Article I Section 4 of the By-Laws.
SECTION 1. This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3 rds) vote of a quorum.
SECTION 2. The By-Laws may be amended by a simple majority vote of a quorum.
SECTION 3. Proposals for amendments shall be submitted in writing at a regular meeting and shall be voted on at the next following regular meeting. The total Membership shall be notified in writing of the proposal for amendment prior to its being voted on. There is no requirement to notify Associate Members of the amendment.
SECTION 4. The Executive Committee shall meet at least once (1 time) during the calendar year for the sole purpose of reviewing the Club’s Constitution and By-Laws.
Robert’s Rules shall govern all Club proceedings unless otherwise stated.
The foregoing Constitution was updated and adopted by the general Members present and the Executive Committee and was signed into effect by:
__________________________ on _____________________________.
SECTION 1. Application for membership shall be submitted at a regular meeting. Prior to the next regular meeting, a simple majority of the Club members present shall vote for approval or denial of the application.
SECTION 2. A Club member will be classified as an Associate Member if that person is non-licensed. An Associate Member will have the privilege to attend Club social events and activities, but will not have any voting privileges nor hold office.
SECTION 3. A Family Membership will be classified as a licensed Member who wishes to sponsor his family members residing in the same household. Licensed family members shall become Club Members with all privileges and non-licensed family members shall become Club Associate Members. Dues shall be waived for all sponsored family members. An Associate Member may not sponsor family memberships.
SECTION 4. A member may forfeit his membership due to repeated disregard for objectives stated in the Preamble. A member may forfeit his membership for failure to pay dues as set forth in Article IV Section 2 of the By-Laws. A member may be involuntarily terminated in accordance with Article IV of the By-Laws.
SECTION 5. An officer may be removed, in accordance with Article IV of the Constitution, from his elected office for repeated disregard for his responsibilities and actions as set forth in the Constitution and By-Laws.
SECTION 6. If a Member or Associate Member is to be considered for involuntary termination or an Officer is to be considered for removal of office a Special Meeting shall be called as set forth in Article II Section 2 of the By-Laws. In the event a special meeting is called to remove an Associate Member, then that Associate Member is to have due notification.
SECTION 1. Regular monthly meetings will be held on the first Tuesday of each month at 1900 (7:00pm) at a designated meeting location. The date and or time of the regular monthly meeting may temporarily be rescheduled by the executive committee due to any unforeseen circumstances.
SECTION 2. Special meetings shall be called by the President or upon the request of any five members of the Club to the President. All Members shall be notified informing them of the special meeting and the business to be transacted. Notification shall be at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the designated time of the special meeting. There is no requirement to notify Associate Members of Special Meetings unless that Special Meeting involves an Associate Member. A special meeting may be held at a regular meeting. The President shall schedule a special meeting within to (10) days of the requested special meeting, including time, date, and location.
A nomination committee of at least three people will be named by the President at the October meeting. This committee shall present a list of nominees for consideration by the membership at the November meeting. Nominations will also be heard from the floor at this time. Regular elections will take place at the November meeting in accordance with Article IV of the Constitution.
SECTION 1. A yearly membership fee of twenty-four dollars ($25.00) per Member and twelve dollars ($12.00) per Associate Member is hereby assigned as dues in accordance with Article V of the Constitution. Dues shall be collected in January and will be prorated for new members joining after January. Dues shall be waived for all sponsored family members in a Family Membership.
SECTION 2. A Member or Associate Member may forfeit their membership, as determined by the Executive Committee, for failure to pay dues if such dues are delinquent four (4) months after the due date.
SECTION 1. The Club’s funds shall be kept in a checking account of a local bank. The Treasurer or the President shall be authorized to sign all checks. The Treasurer and the President, at the expiration of their term, shall transfer custody of the bank account to the newly elected Treasurer and President.
SECTION 2. The President may, at his discretion, authorize expenditures of Club funds for needs which occur between meetings, not to exceed a total of one hundred dollars ($100) without Executive Committee approval. The membership shall be advised of any special expenditures at the next meeting.
SECTION 3. In the event the Club Treasurer is unable to temporarily perform his duties, he shall coordinate with the President to insure that the continuity of the Treasury is maintained.
The President may appoint special work committees for a stated period of time which shall consist of a chairman and other Members as are deemed advisable.
The foregoing By-Laws were updated and adopted by the Members present and the Executive Committee and were signed into effect by:
___________________________ on _____________________________.